David Hancock

Picture of David Hancock
David has spent nearly 40 years in IT in many roles across the development lifecycle. For the last 25, prior to joining Highland Marketing as an associate, he worked in software vendors including Oracle, Orion Health and InterSystems. At these companies he helped healthcare organisations in the UK, Europe and the Middle East to apply IT to drive digital transformation using both EPRs, interoperability solutions and data platform technologies. Today David also contributes towards influencing and developing technology policy in health and care across the UK through sitting on the techUK Health and Social Care Council. He chairs the techUK Health and Care Interoperability Working Group, is the vendor co-chair of INTEROPen and sits on the FHIR UK core board and the FHIR UK core senior leadership team where he focuses on the governance, strategy, development and adoption of open interoperability standards, especially HL7 FHIR. David is married and also shares his life with 2 Siamese cats, a Newfoundland dog and 2 horses. He enjoys horse riding and swimming with his dog when the sea is warm enough. He is also a bit of a foodie, enjoys cooking and loves going to live entertainment.